River Jumpers Interview
UK pop punk band River Jumpers are back with a new lineup and self-titled album. The band’s ability to blend rock, pop, and punk carried them through an eventful three year history, and there is sure to be much more to come. By the Barricade reached out to vocalist Nick Davis to find out what makes River Jumpers tick. Check out the full interview below!
In an interview with Reignition World Paul discussed his dislike of the term “guilty pleasure.” Is it a goal of yours to incorporate other genres, or does it just happen while writing?
Nick Davis: I think genre is something that is too bought into these days. Sometimes music is just a part of it however we all listen to so much music that we take influence from all over. So guilty pleasures aren’t really applicable. I love 80’s hardcore punk but I also love a lot pop songs and stuff that’s considered mainstream. A good song is a good song in terms of melody. Not sure the same can be said for lyrics etc…
Pop, Rock, and Punk are often competing genres in the US, but all three found their way into the River Jumpers’ Facebook description. Are the dividing lines between genres more blurred in the UK?
Nick Davis: I think when I write for River Jumpers I’m writing songs I would want to hear love and dance and scream my heart out too (most of the time) so I think if it mixes all those awesome things and it works then why not. I wouldn’t want to say we are making a statement by mixing all those things in to our music.
I hear a much more refined and dynamic sound throughout your Debut album Chapters compared to your first EP. Was there anything in particular that attributed to this change, or did it come from more time touring together?
Nick Davis: We added another guitarist Leon and he and I lived together so we’re able to write together and also Leon had some clear ideas of his own (chapters, coffee shop revs and short stories) plus we were tour tight and had a few long jam sessions around these ideas. I guess experience helped too.
River Jumpers released two splits in 2014 with “All our Histories” and two songs off Chapters. Will fans be seeing any splits in 2015 with tracks off your new self titled EP?
Nick Davis: We hope so!
You’ve teamed up with FXD Records for your upcoming album. FXD Records sports the slogan “No egos, no divas.” Who are some of the biggest egomaniacs or divas you can think of either in or out of the music industry?
Nick Davis: Some footballers. Some musicians. I don’t know, it’s hard to answer but some of the things that these people do are outrageous and they are supposed to be role models for young people. They have more money than sense. I think people should use their elevated “God-like” status to create and sustain positive change, not to be on the front of every newspaper for being an idiot.
I was really surprised to see your self titled album had a different artwork approach compared to your other releases. Can you tell our readers anything about the cover and its creation process?
Nick Davis: James the guitarist took the helm on it and we as a band accepted what he bought back. He’s a bit weird in a good way. We love it.
Is there anything else that you would like to say to the readers of By the Barricade?
Nick Davis: Keep your eyes peeled!!! Lots of awesome tours to announce in the next two months.
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