Los Skarnales Interview
Los Skarnales have been have been gathering a dedicated following throughout Houston, Texas for some time now. After 20 years and a few lineup changes the Spanish ska punkers are back with Another Day, Another Borrachera. By the Barricade reached out to the band to see what keeps Los Skarnales going strong and to talk about how things have changed over time. Check out the full interview below!
When Los Skarnales first started in 1993 it was common to record American songs in Spanish. What in particular made the band want to steer away from the norm and down the path of ska?
Los Skarnales: The reason for us not doing English songs in Spanish when we started the the band in 1993 is because by then we were already influenced by great bands like Mano Negra, La Polla Records, La Maldita Vecindad, Decibelios, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. They were doing great original music from their region and in their language, and we felt we could do the same thing being Chicanos and living in Texas. We all grew up listening to bands like The Clash, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, and Black Flag, that it only felt that it was the punk thing to do. It felt right and honest to do it, so we did it. We also mixed in the whole 40’s and 50’s Golden Era Of Mexican Movies that we grew up watching and listening to such as Tin Tan, Pedro Infante and my pop’s 60’s rock band Los Johnny Jets to make our music more our own,
I hear influences form so many genres throughout your music making Los Skarnales somewhat hard to categorize. Can you explain your style in five words or less for new fans?
Los Skarnales: Five words to describe our music and our band would be: Pachucos, Punks, Rude Boys, & Borrachos
Over the past 20 years Los Skarnales’ lineup has expanded quite a bit. Has the new size of the band changed the way you tour?
Los Skarnales: No matter how big or small the band’s been we always try to tour as much as we can. We all have full time jobs and some of us have kids so its more our personal life and familias that limit our to touring schedule. We have to balance our familias and the band to make it work.
Los Skarnales was inducted Into the Houston Music Hall of Fame. In your opinion what makes your hometown music scene stand out from others?
Los Skarnales: Well it was a great honor to get inducted into the Houston Music Hall Of Fame. To be in company of greats like Z.Z.Top, La Mafia, Geto Boys to name a few. The Houston music scene is a very rich and versatile one because we have a great Tejano Roots, Jump Blues, and Country & Western history. So it’s a very interesting scene in general. Add all that history and mix it with Lone Star Beer and punk-ska-rockabilly and it comes out to be a real original music scene.
Los Skarnales released Vatos Rudos Forever! (1994-2014) last year. Was the large catalog of songs released at once to get fans up to speed before Another Day, Another Barrachera?
Los Skarnales: The double CD “Vatos Rudos Forever” was put out to celebrate our 20 year anniversary. It takes the fans back to our beginning with real bad demo songs to our up to date songs. We also wanted to put songs out that a lot of people want to hear that are on out of print CD’s that they can’t buy anymore.
It took a year and a half to record Dale Shine. How did the process change when you started working with Smelvis Records on Another Day, Another Borrachera?
Los Skarnales: When we started working with Smelvis Records the recording was already made. Them getting the CDs pressed and distributed was a real fast and productive process. The fans love the whole EP and t-shirt deal for $10, plus all the free stickers and extra promotional CDs and compilations that they send out with the package. We’re real happy to be in the Smelvis Records Familia!!!
Is there anything else you would like to say to the readers of By the Barricade?
Los Skarnales: We would like to thank everyone for the great love and support of the band. For news and updates of the band y’all can look us up on skarnales.com. To get our new EP Another Day, Another Borrachera…. y’all can order it through Smelvis Records. For all the kids making music to keep on going forward with their bands and ideas cause they’re the new generation of things to come… “Dale Shine!”
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