Hideouts Talk New Album and More!

Southern California pop punk band Hideouts have been making waves in the local scene for years. After achieving their goal of playing The Vans Warped Tour Hideouts have been hard at work putting together their next release. The band has been working with Andrew Wade (Best known for his work with A Day To Remember) to further advance their sound. Find out all the info in the interview below!

Vocals/Guitar: Dan Chavez

Guitar/Vocals: Tim Markel

Guitar: Robby Friend

Drums: Luis “Chocs” Campos

Bass: Tomas Garcia


Hideouts promo 3I’ve been pretty obsessed with your last album and I’ve heard some rumors that Hideouts is working on new material. What can you tell me about that?

Dan Chavez: We are working with Andrew Wade in Florida at Wade Studios on new music. We are about three quarters finished with five songs right now. We don’t have a release date and don’t know where it’s going to go yet. We’re currently trying to get as much music done as possible.

Is there a working title for this release?

Robby Friend: Roberto Amigo and the Sleepy Peepees.

Thomas Garcia: We might call this next record “Deep Neck”!

Well what’s something Andrew Wade brought to the table that you weren’t expecting?

Tim Makel: He showed us this barbeque place by his studio that I totally wasn’t expecting!

Robby Friend: We recorded completely backwards. We thought we would start with drums but we didn’t get to drums until the last couple days. In fact drums and bass were the last things we worked on. The way we constructed songs made me very anxious.

Tomas Garcia: We would take days to just work on ideas for songs where as before we would just record. With Andrew we would just talk out songs beforehand and it made those songs so much stronger.

Dan Chavez: We’ve done a lot of vocals. Most choruses and bridges have been done and some verses are done but the one thing that stood out to me about Andrew was how hands on he was. For all intents and purposes he’s a member of Hideouts for this record. He had opinions but everyone added an equal piece of the pie.

Tim Makel: When you go into record a CD, generally once you wrap something up you move onto the next thing but with this record everything was super open ended.

Dan Chavez: For our first two EPs we had all the music about 90% done before going into the studio. With the songs we are writing and recording now we’ve ripped a lot of songs down into their bare essentials and reworked them into something better. We even have a couple songs that sound completely different than our demos both musically and vocally but kept the themes.

Dan Chavez: We’re a three guitar band, and I don’t think we’ve ever been able to fully realize the possibility that comes with three guitars. The writing on these few songs really pushes our musicality.

Tim Makel: A lot of the material was written to complement each other’s parts on the spot.

Hideouts Promo 3Did you have a lot writing before heading into the studio?

Robby Friend: We had about 16-20 songs demoed before hitting the studio.

Tim Makel: We had a lot of bits and pieces and ended up using more of those.

Dan Chavez: The songs Andrew wanted to focus on were not the songs we expected him to focus on. He saw something he liked and he built from that.

Can we expect any singles before your next release?

Dan Chavez: Absolutely! We plan to do another music video but have been waiting because we wanted to focus on new material.

Was there anything you wanted to evolve in the studio?

Thomas Garcia: We needed to find our identity.

Robby Friend: We wanted to consolidate our sound but came out of it with a larger spectrum of music than we could ever hope for. We are on the cusp of so many things that we wanted to fit a scene but this recording really brought out what we were always trying to be.

How did you get connected with Andrew and start this process?

Dan Chavez: The whole thing started out with an online talent search. One night Robby submitted our music and Andrew hit us up a few months later and the rest is history. Originally his goal was to record one song and it kept expanding.

Well this the third interview Hideouts has done with By the Barricade and I can’t thank you guys enough. Is there anything else you want to say to the readers of By the Barricade?

Robby Friend: We always appreciate the support By the Barricade has shown over these last few years.

Dan Chavez: Thank you for supporting us and our scene! We are still recording but we will get it out as fast as possible so keep your eyes peeled!

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