drummer cross arms

Why Do Drummers Cross Their Arms While Playing?

Ever watch a drummer and think, “Why do drummers cross their arms? Isn’t that, like, extra work?” You’re not alone! The crossed-arm technique has many of us scratching our heads, pondering why drummers choose complexity over simplicity. But hey, there’s more to this arm-tangling method than meets the eye. Let’s break it down together, shall…

can you play acoustic guitar in the rain

Can You Play An Acoustic Guitar In The Rain?

Playing an acoustic guitar in the rain: it’s a question that many guitarists might find themselves pondering, especially when faced with unpredictable weather or outdoor events. While the concept may have a certain romantic appeal, the reality involves a host of potential issues, mainly because acoustic guitars are crafted from wood, a material known to…

can drumming build muscle?

Can Drumming Build Muscle?

Drumming is not just an artistic skill; it’s a physical activity that engages various muscle groups throughout your body. But can it replace or complement your regular workout routine to help build muscle? Drumming can’t build muscle like most strength training exercises, but it can help tone your muscles. It’s more accurate to view drumming…

alto vs tenor saxophones

Tenor vs Alto Saxophones

Ah, the perplexing puzzle of picking between the alto and the tenor saxophone! It’s a melodic journey where each path reveals a distinct, resonant world, ready to add a pulsating beat to your musical adventures. The alto saxophone, with its petite frame, projects a sound that’s both bright and piercing. Meanwhile, the tenor saxophone, robust…