Aussie Metalcore Band Patient Sixty-Seven Are The Underdogs Making Waves In The Scene (Interview)

Australian metalcore band Patient Sixty-Seven are doing pretty well for themselves, considering they’re an independent act. Rolling along with over 112k monthly listeners on Spotify, they haven’t even released a proper full-length album yet. That’s all going to change in a month from now, though, when P67 releases Wishful Thinking. A three-piece that’s armed with enigmatic vocalist Tom Kiely, the band is one that needs to be on your radar.

We sat down (virtually, of course) with Tom Kiely to discuss the new record, how the record differs from their previous material, and even how the band’s recent collaboration with SWS’s Kellin Quinn came about. Read on for more!

Fans of the band can pre-order the record on the band’s website HERE.

You’re about to release your debut album titled Wishful Thinking this July! What was the writing process like for this album?

It was a process, to be sure. But one we’ll never forget! We had so many ups and downs in really finding ourselves during the build up to recording, and then while recording! It was crazy, because our schedules didn’t allow us to block out weeks at a time. So we had to be super resourceful during it all! We recorded every weekend for months on end, and weeknights too – around our jobs. I’ll never forget it though – the cool thing being we could kind of revisit the previous weekends work with notes, to improve and refine songs! We’d go into Ryan (Botha – our producer) with a vision, he’d then have a bunch of extra ideas from his side too, it just became this melting pot of really cool stuff and writing every weekend just started to feel normal. We also had our guitarist/vocalist Rory on fly in/fly out duties for his work – so his availability was really all over the place. We pulled together though, we found pockets of time, late nights and early mornings. And the result of everything became ‘Wishful Thinking’, and we’re so proud of it!

Lyrically I just started mapping out ideas – topics I’d love to discuss and hone in on for the album. And found songs, moments that made sense – and just dove in! It was amazing to press myself in the studio environment, and Ryan was amazing in bringing out the best in us – like always!

How did it compare to the processes of your EPs?

It was just…bigger. More songs, more of an overall vision – and also a willingness to try new things. You’re not doing 4 or 5 songs, you’re doing 10. So you want to find different angles and elements to your sound that you maybe haven’t explored before. It was a real deep dive into our band as people and musicians, and definitely you feel the effects at the end because of the staggered nature in recording it! I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

You worked with a very special guest on recent single “Feel Alive”, which Kellin Quinn featured on. How did that collaboration come about?

Kellin has long been a friend of our band – he’s written with us and for us on previous projects, as early as Home Truths in 2019/20 we did a bunch of writing together for that EP. He’s been nothing but amazing and supportive towards us over the last few years. When we were writing that demo, Rory brought the earliest version of it to us…and it became clear there was a section that would suit Kellin’s voice perfectly! We hit him up, and he was down to jump on and do it. It’s one of our favourites and I’m so happy with how it came about.

The band has been collaborating with many others on your singles and on YouTube; Rody from Dayseeker, Misstiq, Alex Pasibe from Osatia, Phil Druyor of The Bad Chapter, Saving Vice, and more. What have these collaborative experiences been like? Can we expect more to come?

Definitely! The album has collabs with VRSTY and Loveless – plus we hope to do more in the future! So yes! 

The artworks for your album and singles are very alluring. Is there a story or symbolism behind the album cover for Wishful Thinking?

Wishful Thinking is truly and truthfully just about a headspace. ‘How am I dealing with this?’ – how can I make it through and come out the other side? Sometimes our mind’s can be really dark and dangerous places, Wishful Thinking is a reference to the ups and downs we put ourselves through when figuring our lives out. I can do it, probably. But how real is it? WIshful Thinking is a reference to the mirage of how we think and perceive the world around us – and ourselves!  

Speaking of art, the merch you have just put out is gorgeous, especially the shirt featuring a particularly intimidating kitty. What was it like to design and launch your own merchandise?

It was so much fun! Tiffany is actually my cat! And I often post her on socials being silly, cute, crazy – whatever. So when the time came to think about some new merch, it just made all the sense to include Tiffany in it! The shirts came out amazing and we plan to keep printing them!

When it comes to music, who or what inspired you most when starting the band’s journey in music?

Probably early on listening to awesome pop punk bands – the whole festival and Warped tour sensation just really made me excited about music and the more alternative side of our scene! Then bands like BMTH and Asking Alexandria really drew me into the heavier side of everything. It was onwards and upwards from that point on!

You’ve mentioned through your ‘Behind the Songs’ videos that the band had changed from when it started and when you were planning your EP Home Truths. What personal meanings does your music hold for you, has that meaning changed in the past few years?

I think this is an amazing question….yeah it definitely has changed. I think you know the idea of putting out Home Truths, doing a tour around Australia off our own backs and trying to make an impact on our local scene. But I think during the pandemic as we started reaching out and connecting with more people, it did shift. We decided that we could try and use that ‘downtime’ as a chance to write more music, connect with more people who might love our band and it just snow balled. Music to now is really about community, reaching people and finding meaning in the songs we release! It’s like that for the bands I love…and to have people who think of us in that light is truly incredible. I feel proud of how far we’ve come!

You’re based in Australia and are touring across the country soon! If you could tour anywhere in the world though, where would you most want to visit?

USA for sure, no questions! 

What are you most excited for during your upcoming tour?

Probably Melbourne…my Dad grew up there. To play that city with the band is special to me!

Any closing words for us and the fans?

Just – thank you! For having us, for giving us a chance. You guys do amazing work!! 

Fans of Patient Sixty-Seven can follow the band on all social media below.

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