Interview: Danish Metal Band Siamese Discuss Their Unmatched Sound
Straight from Denmark, Siamese is a band you should be listening to. Mixing heavy riffs, melodic choruses, and electronic elements, this band has developed a unique sound with their last album HOME. We met with them to talk about their beginnings, last release, and the difference between the Danish and American metal music scene. Read the full interview below.
Siamese dropped their debut album many years ago. How have things turned out since that very first release?
It’s been a very long road. It took us a long time to figure ourselves out. That’s partially why I am in the management game today too. So that others do not make the mistakes that we made. We could have, more or less, discarded the first 3 albums.
Siamese released their last album called Home, an album quite different from your past releases. Where did the idea of making this album come from and how was that creative process?
HOME was made during a pandemic. We had a lot of time to really push our sound. First and foremost we wanted to make a heavy record influenced by EDM and Dubstep. Those were the main ideas. It evolved from there and the end result is our best effort to date in my opinion.
You guys took a heavier direction with this album, is it something you did intentionally, or was it something you figured out when making the record?
100 percent intentionally and we will keep on doing that for the foreseeable future. We have some ideas for the next songs where we would like to stray away from all of the ’80s synth-wave/emo-wave and general synthesizer driven heavy that we see a lot of these days.
When it comes to the lyrics, did you guys have a specific idea of what to write about?
It centered around the notion of what happens in the confinement of the 4 walls that you call your home. So all concepts are derived from that. It’s a vast array of things like relationship problems, partying with the substances that come along, handling mental problems or dealing with other people’s mental problems.
Mirza, in an interview you mentioned that the band is planning to keep making heavier music. How did you come up with this decision?
It makes for better live shows, and it just works better. When I listen to Home now, I skip the rock songs and go straight for the heavier tunes. It’s all a matter of our own taste buds.
Do you guys think you found your sound with your latest album?
We found a way at least. I don’t believe we will ever be a band like let’s say Tesseract, Monuments and so on, who have found their shelves. We will keep evolving into whatever comes to mind. This band is a journey of a lot of things, so I would never settle on doing the same album with different chords.
Siamese appeared on the Danish scene with your very first record, but it wasn’t until 2019 with the Super Human album that you guys hit the American music scene. How did you guys experiment with it?
I believe it already started back in 2017 with Shameless when we signed to Artery Recordings. That was the first step for us, but Super Human launched us. First off, we started making really strong songs about that time, but you cannot neglect that Spotify started paying attention and that, that has helped a band like us a lot.
You guys are a Danish band, what are the differences you perceive between the Danish metal scene and the American music scene?
We are an atom compared to American scene. We have to fight and spend 10 times the money to reach our level, than a UK or US band has. Competition is tougher but there has definitely been ethnocentric differences between a US and a Danish band. If you are a US band that’s almost like its already a stamp of approval or a quality in itself. That’s cause American bands have made such and impact historically. And respect to them. Danish bands do not have the same credentials so it’s a bit more difficult. That’s why it’s the more impressive when it’s a success.
Are there any artists/bands you would like to collaborate with?
I think Spiritbox are doing a great job at releasing stuff that makes you think and get inspired. Another one is Knocked Loose and also Ten56.
What do you think the future has prepared for Siamese?
A lot of fucking work. We are on the road a lot, and we hold a high standard to both playing live and recording new songs. It’s going to take a lot from us, but I think we will manage and hopefully keep moving our band to higher levels. We really want to come to the US too, but no agent has dared taking us on. They want to see us do the heavy lifting ourselves first. Just like we have always done in the previous years.
Anything else you would like to share with your fans?
Come to a Siamese show this fall, or next year. Don’t wait to buy tickets. The whole industry besides the labels is fucked. We need your support more than ever.