Concert Tips for Tall People
Just as shorter people have issues when attending concerts, so do tall people. However, there are a wholly unique set of issues that apply only to the vertically gifted — or cursed.
What are the best concert tips for tall people? Regularly looking behind for folks struggling to see helps make the experience better for everyone. Furthermore, assessing surroundings and moving as needed will help reduce hostile confrontations from disgruntled and inebriated concertgoers.
Seeing a favorite artist live can be enjoyable regardless of height. Read on — we’ll discuss several practical tips to having a pleasant viewing experience if you’re 6′ and above.
Pros and Cons of Being Tall at a Concert
Unsurprisingly, there are advantages to being tall in a concert. The most obvious is visibility.
The chances of someone blocking your view become lower the taller you are. Furthermore, you don’t need to rush to the front of the crowd to be able to see the stage. Thus, it’s not a big deal if you arrive to the show a bit later.
Also, pricey front-row tickets are optional. You can totally get by with standard tickets without eliminating your ability to see the show. Meanwhile, short people must either pay extra, arrive early, or look at the back of people’s necks while scrambling for a precious glimpse.
The truth is that concerts favor tall people. Nevertheless, this privilege does not come without tradeoffs.
The biggest con to being tall at a concert is the vitriol of others in the audience. While you aren’t purposefully blocking others from seeing the show (we’d hope), many people are quick to assume the worst intentions. As some (unfortunately) may see it, you are a malicious tree with legs that is only there to ruin their experience.
What you thought would be an enjoyable show quickly turns into a hostile confrontation. You are left with two options: moving to the absolute back or continuing to be harassed (or worse, assaulted).
What can you do?
Two Key Concert Tips for Tall People
Ultimately, you just want to have a good time at a show you paid to attend. While having a great view is nice, having shorter people get in your face because you unknowingly “got in their way” is not so nice.
Should you just go to the back of the crowd? In some cases, it makes sense — such as in small venues where you can still get a clear view. However, concerts and festivals are a different beast. Even if you can see from the back, it’s a not-so-fair tradeoff if extending your palm completely covers your view.
There are two major strategies to combating such issues.
1) Be Extra Considerate
Being tall takes additional concert etiquette skills.
Due to the nature of people standing in front of other people, it can be tough for everyone to get a clear view of the stage. As a tall person, you are more likely to obstruct the vision of others. Thus, it is important to consider a few key things for the sake of shorter concertgoers to ensure everyone has a good time.
Unfortunately, it is way easier than it should be to inconvenience others as a tall person in a live music crowd. Thus, it is vital to explore the most important concert manners for the vertically endowed.
Chances are you’ll try your best to be considerate, but sadly that isn’t always enough. How can you be extra considerate and minimize aggressive behavior against you?
Be agreeable and willing to compromise (to a point)
Just as you can’t help being tall, short people can’t control their height — without painful and expensive surgery, that is.
Most of the time, when shorter people insist on getting to the front, it’s because that’s the only way for them to be able to see what they paid to see. It is hard to enjoy a concert without visuals, which shows increasingly rely upon.
Compromise isn’t a give only solution, however. If someone demands a front row view without arriving earlier than everyone else, it reeks of entitlement and it is reasonable to say no to such a request. It doesn’t take extensive wisdom to understand that the closer to stage you want to be, the earlier you gotta arrive.
However, not everyone can afford to arrive five hours early due to work, travel, and other issues. Allowing someone to slip ahead of you is good etiquette in cases where it will greatly enhance another’s enjoyment without compromising your own.
Ask others if they have any trouble seeing
A simple display of consideration goes a long way in fanning the flames of hostility. A simple, “can you guys see alright back there?” can take the steam out of people most likely to throw a fit. Furthermore, it dispels the “malicious tree” narrative and makes clear that you are not trying to ruin anyone’s experience.
Aside from kneeling or awkwardly hunching, there’s nothing you can do to make yourself shorter. As long as you try your best to allow others a decent view, nobody can reasonably fault you.
Stand near other tall people
If you notice that one area of the crowd is taller than the rest, that’s a good indicator of the best place to stand. Likewise, it’s wise to avoid cutting into sections populated largely by shorter folks if you can help it.
It also helps short folks know where not to stand. It’s easy to spot a patch of tall people from the entrance, making it easier for people to avoid visibility conundrums in the first place.
2) Don’t Be Inconsiderate
Did we just copy and paste the last tip and reword it? Seemingly.
But there is a significant difference between failing to be extra considerate and being inconsiderate. Thankfully, most fall into the first camp. But there are easy ways to fall in the latter camp, too.
To have an enjoyable concert experience, and to allow those around you to have an enjoyable concert experience. it comes down to these two strategies.
So, what should you not do as a tall person attending a concert?
Don’t Cut in Front of Others
Nobody should cut in front of others without permission. However, this is especially true for tall folks. Not only is it rude, but it can also ruin the view of dozens behind you.
Plus, this is asking for a fight. In this case, nobody is in the wrong for confronting you.
And you can’t exactly get away with the “well, I need to see” excuse.
Ultimately, even children usually know not to cut in line. Full-grown adults who do so anyway probably won’t be deterred by reading this.
Additional Preparations
Is there anything else you need to keep in mind as a tall person with an upcoming concert? There are a couple things that could be useful to bring along with you in certain cases, especially with outdoor concerts.
A Hat for Shade
If you’re going to a day concert and the sun will be beating down on the crowd, you can’t rely on other people for shade as shorter people can. Thus, consider wearing a baseball cap or an extra layer of sunscreen.
Just don’t wear a top hat because then you’re asking for problems.
Warm Clothes
Body heat increases the temperature for those surrounded by taller individuals. However, you won’t get the same effect if you’re a head taller than most people in the crowd.
Be sure to check the forecast before heading to the concert and dress as you normally would for that weather. But most importantly is your face. The higher parts of your body are likely to get the coldest unless the sun is directly overhead. A beanie, a pair of earmuffs, or whatever else you’re comfortable wearing to keep your head warm is a wise item to bring.
No list of preparations is complete without the obvious “hydrate yourself” line at the end.
This has nothing to do with being tall, but you should definitely bring a good supply of water with you. Having to claw your way through crowds — especially with people shouting at you for blocking your view — is less than ideal.
Height is a surprisingly strong factor in how much you and those around you enjoy the show. If you’re too short, you can’t see. If you’re tall, visibility isn’t as big of an issue as risk of confrontation from those who envy your view.
As a result, the best advice for tall concertgoers pertains to keeping others content without bending over backwards to please short-tempered (and short-statured) people. Compromise is king. It’s important that you enjoy the concert you paid a lot of money to see. However, it’s good etiquette to make reasonable accommodations so the people around you can enjoy the show, too.
Ultimately, you’ll need to arm yourself with the mindset that people might unreasonably take issue with your height even if you do no wrong. Again, almost everyone gave up a great deal to be there in the crowd. It is reasonable that everyone leaves the stadium with positive feelings about it.