drummer cross arms

Why Do Drummers Cross Their Arms While Playing?

Ever watch a drummer and think, “Why do drummers cross their arms? Isn’t that, like, extra work?” You’re not alone! The crossed-arm technique has many of us scratching our heads, pondering why drummers choose complexity over simplicity. But hey, there’s more to this arm-tangling method than meets the eye. Let’s break it down together, shall…

best improvised guitar solos

What Are The Best Improvised Guitar Solos Of All Time?

Hearing a top-tier improvised guitar solo is something that instantly strikes you. The sounds and fluidity of a guitarist at work are unparalleled when witnessed first-hand. The best-improvised guitar solos arise when the guitarist matches the feel of the piece by utilizing a variety of techniques, mixing standard scales and chord progressions into a seamless…

do people still read music magazines?

Do People Still Read Music Magazines?

There’s always a debate as to whether people still read music magazines, as many print titles have switched to being solely digital platforms. Thankfully, music magazines are still thriving to this very day. People still read music magazines thanks to steady circulation numbers and a strong fanbase within their niche, although many publications have switched…