Such A Mess Interview
Hailing from San Gabriel Valley in Los Angles, California Such A Mess have been taking the pop punk world by storm. The band is currently supporting their upcoming split with Post Season on a national tour. By the Barricade reached out to Such A Mess to find out more about their origins and upcoming release. Find out all the info in the transcripts below!
Such A Mess has a Facebook description of “Emo/Punk” so I wasn’t really expecting banjo in “Hope”. If you had to change your genre description right now what might it be?
Such A Mess: Countryxcore/ screamo death-folk
You released Times like These in 2011 and Good Intentions Giving Way in 2014. Were both of the album’s intro tracks a final touch or something you went into the studio wanting?
Such A Mess: The intro track on Times was more thought out, but on ‘Good Intentions’ the intro was more of an afterthought. We didn’t really rehearse ourselves walking into a room very much. It could have been tighter.
In “Good Intentions you have a lyric “Turn my youth into a paycheck and blow it all on growing up…” What’s the most expensive thing each of you have ever bought?
Mark: Honestly, I’m always broke, so I usually don’t have a lot of big-ticket items to drop the big bucks on. I think the most expensive thing I’ve purchased is my Xbox. That’s kind of sad. I’m 24.
Dave: Definitely, the most expensive thing I’ve bought is the tour van/trailer set up. Still paying it off every month while these losers chill comfortable in its glorious AC across the country.
Sebastian: My Mazda 3 which I drove brand new, right off the lot, had it for maybe less then a year, before I totaled it and now still making payments for it. By the way it’s still totaled. So I’m paying for my car to sit in my driveway. I’ve had it for about 3 years now. FML
“Burning Sails” and “Jab” were released on your Bandcamp in 2014. Will those ever get a formal physical release?
Such A Mess: I wouldn’t put it past us. You’ll probably see those on some kind of re-release one day.
Such a Mess is currently on tour leading up to the release of their upcoming split with Post Season though Common Ground Records. What’s the biggest mess you’ve gotten into on tour thus far?
Such A Mess: So far the biggest mess on this tour has been our 4am trip to New Orleans. We drove through the night to get from Texas to Florida and stopped in New Orleans for beignets at 4am. It was really sketchy, but the worst part was turning our van and trailer down Bourbon Street, the wrong way. We found out quickly it was a one-way street, and not the direction we were going. We had a local screaming at us, lucky it wasn’t the cops!
A lot of your music has been recorded with Johnny Liu of Home Movies. Can you tell our readers more about your time in the studio?
Such A Mess: Our time in the studio with Johnny is basically like hanging out with your best friend, but then somehow a record comes out of it. He always pushes us to do our best work, yet it still never feels like work.
You released a lyric video for “Tether” a little while ago. Will fans be getting any new singles, or music videos before the album’s release on August 28th?
Such A Mess: We may or may not have some fun stuff planned.
The tracks on your sophomore release seems a lot more muscly diverse. Can we expect as big of an evolution within your upcoming split?
Such A Mess: The songs on the split are definitely more mature than our last releases. We’re always pushing ourselves to be new and not to repeat ourselves, so the diversity in our music should hopefully always be there. The two songs on this split are very different from each other, as well as being different from anything else we’ve done before.
Is there anything else you want to tell the readers of By the Barricade?
Such A Mess: Thanks for checking us out, thanks for reading this interview. Everything we have and everything we do, goes into this music. Buy it, steal it, share it, and just listen to it. If you like it, tell someone else about it. That’s all we ever want from anyone.
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