Interview with Christian Kidd of The Hates
If you happen to live near or frequent the inner loop area of Houston TX, odds are you may have seen a man donning an impressive, constant color-changing Mohawk making his way around town (frequently w/ his wife clinched tightly to the back of him) on his signature moped. What people may not know is this lavish character gallantly scooting along is none other than Christian Kidd, frontman and founder of the legendary punk outfit, The Hates and host of the Internet radio program, “Christian Arnheiter’s ’70s Punk and Beyond”
The Hates are an old spark that rather than diminishing into a pile of ash and burning embers have blossomed into an inextinguishable Punk-rock inferno that engulfs the scene internationally, but especially in Texas!
By the Barricade: The Hates have been around for 30+ yrs Correct? After this amount of time would you consider yourselves a staple in the punk scene or at least the Houston scene?
Christian Kidd: The Hates have been around 36 years and yes I consider ourselves a staple due to the longevity of the band. It has created something important and part of the definition of what punk is.
By the Barricade: Have you guys spent much time touring in other countries or even just a lot nationally? Where all has this journey taken you?
Christian Kidd: No not much. The Hates toured the US southwest through Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and California in 2004.
By the Barricade: What would you say is the “driving force” that has kept The Hates together for so long.
Christian Kidd: My love for music! It lead to my desire to want to become a musician. The Hates have had 21 lineup changes. I am the only original member. The Hates drummer Bruce Courtney who last was in the band from 1985-1986 has rejoined in early 2013.
By the Barricade: Any particular moment, event, or even era that you guys thought may have been the pinnacle of your career? Or even just a strong reminder of “Yeah! This is why we do this”?
Christian Kidd: There isn’t one in particular. I hope there are many more in the future for me.
By the Barricade: Any big names that The Hates would like to have the pleasure or displeasure of sharing a bill with?
Christian Kidd: I’ve played shows with many national bands but none of my heroes.
By the Barricade: Punk rock has seemed to enjoy a bit of a resurgence as of lately. Have you guys noticed this and do you think it has propelled or at least maintained your popularity here recently?
Christian Kidd: Punk is always rising in popularity. I will always have a new generation of fans. There are great songs and bands from its nascent period for me that are just starting to be appreciated.
By the Barricade: This is always a difficult one, but if The Hates had to pick a handful of bands that heavily influenced the band and that you may even slightly resemble, who would they be? Are there any newer acts out there that you are fond of and we should know about?
Christian Kidd: I am influenced by The Sex Pistols, The Damned, Generation X, The Clash, Ultravox, and Adam Ant. As for new acts check James Red of Hog Leg.
The Hates are definitely a recognized force in punk. Their longevity and cult like following has landed them on many top Texas bands lists and their strong dedication to the scene and what they love will ensure that they go down as rock n’ roll royalty. By the Barricade is honored to have been able to chat with them and would strongly encourage seeking out some of their tunes and seeing what great brands of punk rock exist throughout the entire world! Keep it on By the Barricade for more interviews, reviews, and news from more awesome bands like The Hates and expand your musical horizons and your minds!
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