Sending Kids to a Music Festival: 7 Pieces of Advice for Parents
Music festivals can be entertaining, and people of all ages enjoy a good music festival experience. However, there can be reasons for concern that might lead parents to want to keep their kids from attending music festivals. This can be especially true if the music festival is known for mosh pits or other intense moments.
So how can you be sure you have a kid-friendly music festival?
To ensure they have a kid-friendly festival, check if they have different sections. The standing-room floor is typically limited to those who want to mosh and might have an age limit. You might also have kid-friendly locations specifically labeled.
Music festivals are often week-long events with many people in attendance. You might not have been to a music festival yourself, or maybe you are not sure about how to set some ground rules for safety if your child does go to the festival.
If your child wants to go to a music festival and you are unsure if you should let them attend, you are not the first parent to have these concerns. Here is an excellent list of considerations and advice for parents with kids asking to participate in a music festival.
Set Some Ground Rules
Ground rules are the first and most important part of the discussion about whether or not to let your child attend a music festival. Your child needs to know your expectations for their behavior and the right actions to take in an emergency.
Making sure to have direct and open communication about the kind of environment they will be in and the behavior that you expect from them will make sure that there are no issues once your child is on their own at the festival.
Make sure that your child or your teen knows where to meet you in case of an emergency. Suppose you are not going to be with them for the entire day. Make sure that you pick a set location where everyone will meet up at the end of the day. It is tough to find anyone at a music festival unless you put meeting locations and times in advance.
Make sure that your child is aware of what they are allowed to do while at the festival. If you do not want them to eat foods offered at the festival or engage with people inviting them to do activities, make sure that this is made clear in advance.
Make Sure They Can Stay in Contact
It is always unwise to send your child out to have fun at a music festival without a cell phone. Always make sure that every person in your party has access to a phone so that they can connect with you if you get separated or if someone starts to feel sick and wants to go home.
It would not be likely that your teen would be without a phone in most cases, but if you have taken away their cell phone for other reasons before the music festival, make sure to give it back to them for the day so that you can find them if you need to.
Discuss Drugs and How to Say No
While your child may not come into contact with anyone who is offering them illicit substances. Still, it would be best if you had a discussion with them about the reasons to say no to drugs from other festival-goers.
Your child may not be aware that this is sometimes a part of attending a music festival, and you want them to be mindful of the right ways to say no if they are offered drugs by anyone else at the festival.
You should also make sure that they are aware of your rules about alcohol. There will be alcohol readily available at many of these festivals, and you should have a conversation with your child and remind them about your ground rules about drinking at the festival.
Make Sure They Stay Hydrated
Most music festivals take place in the summer and are in areas that can get quite hot. You need to make sure that your child has bottled water with them and that they are aware that they need to drink to stay hydrated.
Being hydrated throughout the day will make a big difference in your child’s ability to enjoy the festival and make sure that they do not suffer heat stroke or experience another medical emergency. This is one of the most common reasons music festival-goers need medical attention. Your child can avoid becoming a heat casualty if they stay hydrated throughout the day.
Plan The Day in Advance
These festivals often offer many different events throughout the week and unique concerts each day. It is good to talk to your child about what they want to see while they are at the festival.
It is not a good idea to let teens stay at the festival alone for the whole week. If you are going with, you might not want to pay for hotels or camping.
Schedule if you want to go on a couple of different days for a few hours to see specific bands. This ties in with planning meeting locations in advance. You will have more fun if you are not hanging around. Waiting for bands to come on stage isn’t fun. So knowing these bands ahead of schedule will help.
Send Them with Friends
It is often safer to include your child’s friends in your plans. Also, check with their parents are okay with them attending the festival as well. It is best to participate with friends to ensure that someone else is always with you during the day.
It is always safer to attend concerts with at least one friend, no matter your age. Being in a group discourages anyone who might have bad intentions for you or your child. Safety in numbers is always a good rule of thumb for concert visits, no matter how old you are.
Make Sure They Are Aware of Festival Safety And Security
It is also essential to research the concert security measures in place and then discuss them with your child. You want to be sure that your child knows who to go to if they lose their phone. This skill set helps them when no longer with trusted people.
Also, discuss the best ways to keep their personal property safe while they’re at the festival. They are less likely to be a victim of pickpocketing or theft if your child knows the safest way to carry them:
- Phone
- Souveniers
- Tickets
- Wallet/Money
Most festivals will have security guards and roving staff. These people deal with emergencies (like those suffering from heatstroke). Make sure that your child knows who these people are to find help if they need it.
Music Festivals Can Be Fun for All Ages
Many music festivals can be fun for all ages. With proper planning and attention to detail, you and your child can both enjoy a music festival. Planning to send your child to a music festival that you will not be attending is often as simple as creating a solid plan with your child before they go to the concert.
Music festivals are lots of fun. People of all ages can attend them safely if they. These people need to be ready to stay hydrated and take proper safety measures. You don’t have to worry about your child attending a music festival if you plan appropriately in advance.