Ways to Make Your Music More Interesting - intro image- piano player on a cliff with a sunset.

12 Ways to Make Your Music More Interesting

As a musician, you want your music to stand out from the crowd and captivate your listeners. There are many ways to achieve this, but how exactly do you make your music more interesting? To make music more interesting, musicians can experiment with different musical genres, use unique and unconventional instruments, and incorporate unexpected chord…

Best Ukulele Tuner

Best Ukulele Tuner

There are many ukulele tuners on the market, but what will work best for your ukulele needs? Well, there are several factors to consider when selecting a ukulele tuner, but there are a few that are consistently well-liked and receive the best ratings from customers. The best ukulele tuner is the Snark tuner. D’Addario tuners…

Concertinas vs Accordions - intro image - someone playing an accordion

Concertinas vs Accordions – A Quick Comparison of Differences

There is unique beauty when it comes to the concertina and the accordion. Both of these instruments have bellows and produce beautiful tones. However, there are many differences between these instruments that you need to know if you want to pursue playing one of them. The concertina and accordion differ in cost, shape, and play…

Why Do Guitarists Wear Wristbands - intro image - guitarist playing with wristbands.

Why Do Guitarists Wear Wristbands? 6 Main Reasons

Have you ever seen a guitarist wearing a wristband while performing? Why do they wear them? Guitarists wear wristbands to reduce and wipe away sweat, minimize friction against the guitar, and give the musician compression to support the wrist. They also may wear wristbands because they want a reminder to stay in form and because…

How To Tape Your Fingers For Guitar Playing - intro image- greyscale image of someone playing guitar

How To Tape Your Fingers For Guitar Playing (Five Simple Steps)

Guitarists often tape their fingers when playing the guitar, especially when they are first learning to play the instrument or have started playing more often than usual. How do you tape your fingers before playing the guitar to avoid injury? Get masking or finger tape to tape one’s fingers before playing guitar. Wrap the tape…

why don't violins have frets - intro image- group playing violins

Why Don’t Violins Have Frets? Three Big Reasons

Stringed instruments like guitars, banjos, and ukuleles have frets. Violins seem to be an odd duck compared, as it’s one of the only stringed musical instruments that don’t follow the trend. Why don’t violins have frets? One reason: The violin has no frets because the strings are placed close together and must be played with…