Virtual Concerts vs Live Shows: The Ultimate Showdown

Virtual Concerts vs Live Shows: The Ultimate Showdown

Once upon a time, the debate over virtual concerts vs live shows seemed unthinkable. However, the rise of streaming and technology has led to virtual shows becoming just as lucrative as a live event. The battle between virtual concerts vs live shows has arisen from streaming trends, a rise in access on social media and…

Do Songwriters Have A Union?

Do Songwriters Have A Union?

With all of the recent strikes among the Writers and Actors guilds making headlines, it’s shined a lot of light on other areas of the entertainment industry – including music. If writers for television and film have union protections, do songwriters too? Songwriters unfortunately do not currently have union representation, as they are not classified…

Social Media for Musicians: The Survival Guide

Social Media for Musicians: The Survival Guide

When understanding social media for musicians, you must look at it from an entirely new perspective. No longer are TikTok and Instagram a source of enjoyment. Instead, the two platforms are a business medium. Social media for musicians involves using various platforms to engage with fans and build your brand in a manner that is…