The Maxies Interview
Clad in white and red The Maxies are obviously the “best band from Greenland”. After releasing some EPs, splits, and debut album Greenland is Melting The Maxies are almost ready to unleash their next sarcastic and witty album. We reached out to band to find out the story behind some of their previous tracks and found out more than we ever wanted to know from the white and red Eskimos. Check By the Barricade’s interview with lead vocalist Maximum Maxie below.
If you had one more day here In California before you got shipped off to Greenland what would you do?
Maximum Maxie: Sea World whale buffet! We hear it’s the best sushi in the state.
How did you guys get Bi-Polar Bear through customs?
Maximum Maxie: He’s a 7 foot drunk bear, he goes where he wants.
How did you guys celebrate when you heard two of your songs hit the top 40 in Finland, Denmark, and Sweden?
Maximum Maxie: With chocolate and seal steaks, then we washed it down with whiskey of course. Followed by a private home showing with family and friends of “Joe vs the Volcano”
In your song “Baby Defects” it sounds like you’re still looking for your ‘little punk rock ice queen’. What celebrity would be your perfect ice queen?
Maximum Maxie: Margaret Thatcher because she was a stong woman. Maybe Yolandi Visser of Die Antwoord. I think she would understand us. It’s amost like she’s singing directly to our band.
“Back Home in Greenland” is about making love in the yellow snow. Where is the weirdest place you’ve made love?
Maximum Maxie: The Nostril. You would be surprised what you can fit in that ting if you are persistent enough.
You recently had a Kickstarter campaign to promote your next release. Do you have a release date in mind?
Maximum Maxie: On a Tuesday
I’ve been to a couple of your shows and they all seem like punk rock dance parties. What was the craziest dance move you’ve seen a fan do at one of your shows?
Maximum Maxie: All the Way Jay had rather big gals on stage with him at a recent show. They were all over his junk and they both were dropping it like it was hot. We are really afraid for everyone involved.
Where was the grossest bathroom you’ve seen on tour?
Maximum Maxie: Our friend Clay from the amazing Las Vegas band The Maps shit in his toilet and wrote with poop inside the bowl. That was horrific and so very creative at the same time.
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